quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2007


Pontifical College Josephinum
A conferência anual da Society for Catholic Liturgy acontecerá entre os dias 20 a 23 de setembro, no Pontifical College Josephinum, que fica em Columbus, Ohio (EUA). O tema será "Bento XVI e a Sagrada Liturgia" e a dinâmica funcionará com palestras e workshops intercalados a concertos de música sacra e aos ofícios litúrgicos, inclusive as missas solenes. Ou seja, o Paraíso neste mundo.
Veja aqui a brochura com todas as informações, inclusive taxas de inscrição e acomodação. A programação completa você encontra aqui, mas não custa adiantar algumas palestras:
"The Whence and Whither of the Kiss of Peace in the Roman Rite" - Dr. Michael P. Foley, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
"Sacramental Mysticism: The Teaching of Pope Benedict and the Experience of the Saints" – Dr. Anthony Lilles, St John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver, CO.
"Ad cenam Agni providi with Plainsong and Polyphony" – Dr. Helen Harrison.
"A City of God: Ratzinger at Regensburg" – Dr. Conrad Donakowski, University of Michigan (emeritus), Ann Arbor, MI.
"Tears in the Liturgy: Lachrymosity in the Missale Romanum since 1962" – Dr. Stephen Mirarchi, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, St Louis, MO.
"Manifesting Heaven: Architectural Solutions for The Spirit of the Liturgy" - Matthew G. Alderman, Intern Architect, NY.
"Facing East: Is It a Liturgical Practice that Must Be Revisited Today?" – Sr. Madeline Grace, University of St Thomas, Houston, TX.
"A Hermeneutic of Continuity for 20th Century Sacred Music" - Philip Carl Smith, The University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.

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